Monday, June 4, 2012

21-Year Old, Real-Life Doogie Howser

Although Sho Yano is not the youngest U.S. M.D., he is the youngest M.D. graduate for the University of Chicago. Yano began his college studies when he was only nine years old. Learning came easily to this prodigy.

By the time Sho turned five years old, he knew how to compose music, read, and write. By age twelve, Sho was already a summa cum laude college graduate with an undergraduate degree. Then, after a few refusals by other universities, University of Chicago accepted him as a student in 2003.

He also holds a Ph.D. in molecular genetics and cell biology, which he obtained as a secondary interest.

His field of medicine is on pediatric neurology. Yano was intrigued by this medical field after a shift at LaRabida Children’s Hospital. Despite the finger pointing, strange looks, and being told he is too young, Sho Yano says this is his dream and he is living it.

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